Thursday, November 12, 2009

Aztec Weapons

The Aztecs had fierce weapons. The maquahuitl was a weapon used for close combat. It was made with wood, with obsidian edges on the ends. The cuauhololli was a club with a ball on the end used to smash and crush. Spears were extremely sharp, and sometimes over 7ft long. Atltatl's were throwing spears that helped them throw the spears with more force and a longer distance.

Jaguar and Eagle Warriors

Jaguar and eagle warriors were the most feared warriors. The jaguar warriors wore jaguar skins over their entire body, with only there heads showing from inside of the jaguar's head. The eagle warriors wore feathered helmets on their head, including a open beak.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Aztec Gods

The Aztecs believed in lot's of gods. Tlaloc was the god of rain. He was recognized by his fangs and eye rings. He was thought to be half alligator. Coyolxauhqui was the moon goddess. Her name meant "Golden Bells". Her head was cut off by her brother, Huitzilopochtli, and was thrown into the sky to form the moon. Omacatl was the god of feasting, holidays, and happiness. Tezcatlipoca was the god of the night, north, temptation, sorcery, beauty, and war.